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 . : BallaratHost.com
 : Are paying too much for your site hosting?
 : We offer sever highly competitive hosting plans
 : Free setup for all accounts
 : Reliable Unix based server
 : Excellent support
 : Custom accounts
 : Easy account upgrade or downgrade
 : Control Panel for advanced users
 : Additional account maintenance service
 : Domain registration service and advice
 . : : .

 . : Typical server info...
 : . Processor: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU  :  : . 2.40GHz
 : . Processor speed: 2400.149 MHz, cache size: 512    : . kB
 . : : .

 . : Why Ballarat Host?
 : .
Ballarat Host is your local host offering professional hosting solutions designed to fit your business and personal requirements. Our packages include everything you need to get your business up and running.
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 . : Control Panel Features
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Control Panel Demo

Username: xdemo
Password: xdemo

 . : Are paying too much for your site hosting?


Are paying too much for your site hosting?

Are you happy with your current host?

Or just looking for a good home for your existing or a future website?

Consider following points:

  • Server speed and uptime, don't be satisfied with "it's great, very fast, 100%" ask for proof.
  • Carefully consider given package or offer, will it suite your needs, can you start on a basic package and upgrade or downgrade in that matter if need be, without any downtime or additional setup fees.
  • What controls you have over your account, how easy is it to administer tasks for your website.
  • What type of support is offered, and what are the response times.
  • Compare prices for packages offered.

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